Zulu 3 is a worthy successor to the Zulus that came before it, retaining the features that made them great while adding new features that increase comfort, durability, and value:
More comfort
New contoured ear seals are designed to hug the curve of the jaw, reducing side pressure to get a more natural fit for more comfort and stability
These ear seals create 30-50% more space for the ear than other ANR headsets — a key feature of long-term user comfort
A free taller head pad option ensures maximum comfort and performance on smaller head shapes (ordering instructions are in the User Guide)
More durability
Zulu 3 is outfitted with new cables built around a Kevlar core, which are stronger, lighter, and more flexible than standard cables — and have proven themselves on both Zulu PFX® and Tango®
The more durable cables complement the other premium materials used in the rest of the headset construction, including the magnesium cups, sliders, and the stainless steel headband
More support
Zulu 3 will be backed by an industry-best 7-year warranty (the industry standard is 5 years)
No compromises
Zulu 3 still has the award winning Lightspeed ANR and all of the most popular features such as Bluetooth for phone and music, Auto Shutoff™, and ComPriority™
It also has an exclusive user adjustable mic gain adjustment to get the audio and side tone just right for all voices
Aircraft Specialty
Offers Free
On All Headsets

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Get a FREE custom Powder coated
1.5” Wide Wheel chock set for two wheels for
Each demo Headset Purchased.  Includes
Full factory warranty.